Is This You?
You find something that works for you and you do it!
But you only do it for a short time…
You feel that to make things happen in your life requires big efforts, events or change…
So, you talk yourself out of it because “it’s going to be hard”.
And then life goes back to being, well, kind of mediocre. Jeff Olson, in The Slight Edge, says that 95% of us live what he calls mediocre lives.
But because you are connected with Open Heart Spiritual Center and reading this, chances are you’re committed to a life that’s more than just so-so.
How do you go about it? Of course, you’re going to hear me talk about being a conscious creator, setting your intention, staying the course, and knowing that it’s already done in the mind of God.
That’s key. There are many ways to do this.
But what I find with many people, myself included, is the tendency to find something that works and do it… for a while and then stop.
Perhaps, as Olson suggests, finding one or two “small” things to do each day that propel us toward success, and do them. It can be as simple as reading 10 pages of a life-transforming book daily.
Or using affirmations throughout the day, particularly when circumstances appear that otherwise sends your mind into a negative spiral.
Whatever it is, consistent, small steps over time make the difference.
Think of the Grand Canyon for example. It’s testament to the fact that the steady, repeated action of water will wear even the hardest, roughest.
And actually, most of us know this. So, why don’t we do it?
Jeff Olson reminds us:
Those things are easy to do… or not to do…
Results are invisible- at first, they don’t add up to success
Seem insignificant- what I do right now doesn’t matter
But remember:
What you do today matters
What you do every day matters
It’s never too late to start. It’s always too late to wait.
“Do the thing and you shall have the power.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
New Every Moment,
A New Thought/Ancient Wisdom Community in Memphis, Tennessee