Open Heart Spiritual Center
Oops, I Did It Again!
No, I’m not Britney Spears. And now I can’t get that song out of my head.
But I did catch myself doing something I had said I would stop doing. Yes, we’ve all been there. We commit to approaching things differently and turn right around and do the very thing we said we wouldn’t.
What am I talking about, you ask? . . .
Are You Just Yelling From the Bleachers?
I read an article in a recent issue of Time Magazine entitled, The New Science of Exercise”. It shares how only 20% of people in the U.S. get the recommended 150 minutes of strength and cardiovascular activity per week.
The benefits from regular activity are impressive in terms of overall health and well-being. The article . . .
Is This You?
You find something that works for you and you do it!
But you only do it for a short time…
You feel that to make things happen in your life requires big efforts, events or change…
So, you talk yourself out of it because “it’s going to be hard”.
And then life goes back to being, well, kind of . . .
Showroom or Storeroom?
William Hinson, in his book, The Power of Holy Habits, tells the story of a religious leader who seemed to be very outgoing and charismatic. He was the type that everyone loved to be around and he seemed to be so sociable.
When he retired and was no longer the center of attention, he became very bitter and mean.
. . .Rugrats Reality
When my daughter was a 6-year old, one of her favorite cartoons was a show called “The Rugrats”. Each episode would feature the adventures of a group of toddlers who were familiar to those who watched: Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica.
A common theme in the cartoon was what I call “Rugrats Reality.” That’s where the . . .
Are You Praying Dangerous Prayers?
My involvement in the We Love Memphis effort led me to a very serious examination of prayer. For those of you unfamiliar with WLM, it rose out of the desire on the part of local leaders in the New Thought Movement to shine the light of consciousness throughout this community in order for the true Memphis to emerge—the city of good . . .
In our teaching, we talk about how we have the ability to create our reality- our lives- by our thoughts. It is an empowering teaching for we claim our divine birthright and no longer conceive of ourselves as victims or mere pawns in a game controlled by something or someone outside of ourselves. We learn that we can be deliberate . . .
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