Watch out! You're getting what's coming to you!
In our teaching, we talk about how we have the ability to create our reality- our lives- by our thoughts.
It is an empowering teaching for we claim our divine birthright and no longer conceive of ourselves as victims or mere pawns in a game controlled by something or someone outside of ourselves. We learn that we can be deliberate creators of what happens in our experience when we set our intention and then allow the manifestation to come forth.
The critical part of this process is the period between setting our intention and seeing it come to fruition. This in between period is where the “how” of things occurs and it’s important to remember that the how is not our concern but that of God, Infinite Spirit, the Universe, or whatever we choose to call It.
When we get caught up in the how it is much like planting a seed and then digging it up to see if anything is happening. It’s an interruption of the process and does nothing but delay things or stop them altogether.
It’s the same when we begin focusing on the fact that what we intend hasn’t happened yet. We draw attention to the absence of our intention and because that’s where our thought and energy are directed, we get more of it rather what we are intending. “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind,” or as Jesus taught, “it is done unto you as you believe.”
So, we have to be selective and deliberate about where we place our attention once we’ve set our intention.
One of the things that can help us to stand in our truth and focus on the end result and not the when or how is the idea of “driftwood.”
The concept of driftwood comes from the days when sailors didn't have radios or other communication equipment. They would set sail for their destination and days, weeks, would pass by with nothing but water all around-- no land in sight.
Often they would get discouraged, thinking they'd never see land again. But what would spark their excitement and anticipation would be the appearance of driftwood-- tree limbs, branches, etc. floating in the water for they knew that when those things appeared it meant that land couldn't be far away.
When applied to this journey of co-creation, it means those small ways in which things related to whatever intention we’ve set begin showing up. Perhaps it’s a new car and suddenly we start seeing the particular model we want showing up everywhere. That’s driftwood.
Driftwood even means things happening in the lives of people around us. We want a promotion in our place of employment and the next day our neighbor shares that they have been promoted where they work. It means that things are headed our way too.
Driftwood encourages and uplifts. It lets us know that the Infinite is at work and when we move out of the way, it unfolds for us.
Driftwood means it’s coming, so get ready!
A New Thought/Ancient Wisdom Community in Memphis, Tennessee